

welcome to my blog. im cooked, but really, we all are.

my art insta where i supposedly post art... but mostly photos!

sites with some really cool fonts

Sound of Print
Christoph Mueller
Brain Stew Fonts
Clearlight Fonts
Squirt Gun

things to build ur site!

HTML colour codes
RGBA colour codes
glitter text generator
blinkies and other stuff
MORE blinkies and other stuff
WHOLE BUNNCHA THINGS to add to ur site
CSS properties ref sheet
HTML properties ref sheet
CSS info and such
pixel measurment chrome extension

explore the internet!

random my chem site w interviews
flag quiz
online emulator
typing test
sans fight
movies and shows
name every mcr song quiz
papa's sushiria
pulp fansite
gerard way's hesitant alien zine
name every 100 gecs song quiz
mega mcr archive
online java compiler
the minish cap emulator
ice dying tutorial
java battleship!
java blackjack!

youtube videos i like

history of fonts
about cooper black
defense of comic sans
my fav music videos
parappa the rapper anime
rhett and link's music videos
fnaf the musical
markiplier makes
who killed markiplier
a heist with markiplier
8 hour fnaf explanation
g way pink station zero interview
jersey or bust
g way hesitant alien zine interview
zapruder film (JFK assasination)
u cant download a baby
hollywood baby acoustic cover
funky piano
patrick stump - na zdorov'ya
for sara (over the garden wall tape)
best fob interview
getting sent to the principal's office
drew gooden guitar comp
drew gooden notes app vid
hard rock nick
the youngblood chronicles
sharkboy and lavagirl
expiration date
markiplier fnaf
bert mccracken and gerard interview
the breakfast monkey
ray toro and frank iero DIE
life on the murder scene
mcr in the studio 2002
drew gooden bagel vid
drew gooden turns into ninja
a date with markiplier
markiplier tv
warfstache interview
jerma red dead 2
here are all my links
and stuff
t h e s i t e t h a t t o t a l l y i n s p i r e d t h i s w h o l e w e b s i t e .